Change is in the wind...

Hello there!

Well 2019 is off and running and speeding along already. It's hard to believe that tomorrow is February when it feels like yesterday was 2017. So, making each moment count is high on my priority list right about now... and yours too, no doubt. One moment at a time anything is possible!
From 1st April 2019...
Change is in the wind for the Natural Health Care industry in Australia, of which I am obviously a part, as we move into the eve of the end of health care rebates for our services. This decision fascinates me. A seemingly subversive way - yet again - to restrict freedom of choice, made into law by our very own Government. My opinion only.

What does this mean?
This means that the fee for my services - iridology / herb. med. consults, along with several other Natural Therapy modalities will no longer be claimable from your private health insurers... and complaining to your insurer won't help because the Australian Government has changed the rules. Well that's my understanding anyway.
How will this affect you?
If you have not been or are not currently covered it won't make any difference.
If you have relied on an insurance rebate you will now need to budget for the extra $$$ - which would have been rebated - should you choose to continue to invest in your health care naturally and proactively. I think that's a bit crook, myself.

How does this affect me?
It doesn't really. I have not chosen to privately insure myself - for my own personal health care needs - in decades and have therefore very gratefully received any treatment or testing occasionally required either through Medicare (for orthodox medical) or budgeting (for traditional / natural and last year, dental).
Should our government choose to also change the rules regarding licensing and registration of herbalists, that will be a whole other story!
So, in the meantime I guess we all have a great opportunity to stop for a moment and think about how high on our personal priority lists our own HEALTH care and WELL being really are... and I think that's a good thing actually.
- Are you prepared to invest in your health financially? If not, the next few points are even more important for you.
- Are you mindful of your choices, healthy and not?
- Do you maintain a healthful attitude?
- Do you regularly invest time and energy in your mental and physical well being?
- Do you beat yourself up when you fall off the track? I seriously see no positive benefit in that, just saying!

Okay, you've got the picture. Your health is in your hands. You still can choose to proactively take control of / maintain vibrant health for your mind and body. We in Australia are not victims. We simply need to adapt with grace and accept the responsibility of prioritising... and action. That means budgeting in time, energy and maybe $$$. We each have choices and every moment of every day we can change and adjust as life requires
Last, yet not least...

I have decided to ditch social media (A.K.A. facebook) for a while and invest the time I would have spent on there in writing and a couple of other projects that had fallen lower on my priority list (A.K.A. exercise - Yuk I have never liked that word... insert an attitude change for me, right here! - and some long overdue self-care). Nothing like some precious Nana time to make the important things really stand out. Having the past few weeks with the vibrant littlies and other loved ones has easily reset my priorities! Now let the transition begin!

In the meantime I will still be available as usual in the real world in person and by phone and in the virtual world by blog, email and website.
So, thanks for your time in reading this and I look forward to sharing some more time and energy with you soon.
Much love to you.
Jen. xo
PS: I'll be very grateful if you will share this with your friends who may be interested. Thanks in advance if you do.